Gel De Banho Fem. London Lily Of The Valley Yardley 250Ml



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Gel De Banho Fem. London Lily Of The Valley Yardley 250Ml
Altura: 10,00 Centímetros
Largura: 15,00 Centímetros
Profundidade: 16,00 Centímetros
Peso: 2,00 Gramas

Descrição do Produto

Gel De Banho Perfumado Feminino London Lily Of The Valley Yardley 250 Ml

Lily Of The Valley Yardley Perfume by Yardley London, Lilies grow all over the countryside in england; they are white flowers that are delicate in nature. Yardley london has bottled their scent and launched the lily of the valley in 2011 that is perfect for all occasions. It provides a fresh and strong scent that will linger for a long time on the wearer and invigorate the wearer’s senses.
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